Monday, December 25, 2006

Bringing Back Sweet Memories

So, as I unpacked some of my things that I had boxed up after I left school last spring I came across somethings that made me reminisce on me and the me back then. It seems like that time in my life was worlds away from where I am today and I cant even begin to imagine what I'm gonna be like another six months from now. As I placed all my books from African American history with Kibibi McShelton, and Post Soul with Bertram Ashe back onto my desk and radar I laughed at some of the notes and things I had. I really need to finish/start some of those books I'm supposed to have long read, enjoyed and absorbed . I came across my proclamation night letter. Having received it long ago I guess I didn't really have time to marvel at myself and fully understand the advise I wanted to impart on myself in all my Freshman naivety and intelligence.

Cassandra Brown,
2002 Freshman Year. As you prepare to wrap up your final year of post secondary school please keep in mind that you have so many things in store for yourself. Be sure to remember where you have come from, what you have been thru and what you aspire to achieve in the coming years of your life. Hopefully you have learned to strive for goals and reach them, how to love and truly value yourself and how to be a positive person. Other things like getting a BMW and staying with Dwight David Parrish Jr. are nice to have but are not the source of your accomplishment. It being September 2006 you are very ready to move on to bigger and better things that await you and they will continually await you. You have made it through Econ 101 and CORE and the many other challenging classes that your major has required you to suffer through. You should be ready to start your mid level job with J.P. Morgan or Merril Lynch and marriage looms later in life.
I love you since I am you and I know I love you more than anyone else in your life with the exception of God. Keep him in your life and you will be continually happy.

Peace Out
Cassandra Brown

It hilarious to see how much I differ from the day that I wrote this letter to myself. I remember thinking very carefully about what I wanted to say to myself the three years later that I would read it. Funny the things you know but are sometimes reluctant to fully believe. Anyway, I felt a little inspired by my own word and even a little proud of myself for being so earnest. Now if I had only been smart enough to leave my self a $20.....guess I didn't see being broke in my future.


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