Friday, July 03, 2009


So June came and went and I havent even really noticed. This is especially lame considering its my birthday month. It didnt really pop off, but I think that's part of being grown(Or maybe its part of being broke ...Anyway). I did however get the chance to hang out with some really cool folks on my bday/weekend.

I went home to see my 4 year old niece graduate from kindergarten. I walked her to school and insisted on taking her to her classroom door. When she dismissed me with a snide little "Aunt Cassandra you can go now." I held them back and said "Ok Chicken Butt...see you later." No hugg later she was skipping into class without even a look back. Cold on a bitch. View the offender.

I got to meet my nephew Kahndeh for the first time and Im in love. Smiles galore and lots of kisses for Aunty.

Yeah, I know...thats how we make'em. Sorry we don't donate eggs.

See all my babies!!! LOVE them!

When I returned my home girl Tamara had arrived in NY to chill for the week. We didnt do too much, but did have a good time at brunch with Kirt Hangtootough.

See T!

Not sure what I was channeling but, I felt the fierceness.

This guy. I swear I have more pics of the back of his head than I could count. Oh ye of low self confidence.

We, Tamara and I, went to see the Wiz con Ashanti. I don't know why they hate, but she was belting out that damn ease on down the road. I cried a little, largely because I dont get out much and being there and doing something was really overwelming, but its all good.

We had a nice dinner out and just talked about life and this awkward ass transitional period called your mid twentys. Not all its cracked up to be folks....not at all!

So in addition to that, theres work, and the usual masses of nothingness. June didnt really popoff but hopefully July will. Im honestly done with summer and can't wait to get into fall, fall clothes, fall weather, and some different shit. I'll keep you posted.

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